iPad Pro和MacBook之間的差距只會縮小,現在小編懷疑是時候讓蘋果平板電腦變得更大了。 全新的2020 iPad Pro將於本周上市,配備LiDAR Scanner攝像頭和精美的新Magic Keyboard鍵盤蓋,見證了蘋果在滑鼠和觸控板支持以及螢幕光標方面邁出的重要一步。 ... 蘋果公司長期維護的東西是不必要的,即使它悄悄地改變了對手寫筆支持和外部外圍設備之類的想法。即便如此,Apple Pencil和USB-C還是一回事:在iPad Pro上使用優質的老式滑鼠的感覺又是另一回事。 蘋果的消息傳遞也加快了步伐。該公司大聲疾呼,最新的iPad Pro「速度如此之快,超過了當今大多數PC筆記本電腦」。新的「 A12Z Bionic設計用於工作,尤其是在專業應用程式中。」 多任務處理,分屏視圖和知名軟體共同構成了一個核心結論:現在是否將iPad Pro視為「筆記本電腦」並不重要,它的目標是全要。 ... 突然之間,iPad Pro的感覺遠遠超過了帶有配件的平板電腦。可以肯定的是,Magic Keyboard鍵盤蓋(其QWERTY鍵是從MacBook Pro借來的,最後是觸控板)非常昂貴。儘管如此,看到iPad Pro從Magic Keyboard鍵盤蓋拿下來的的時候,讓小編想到了iMac風格的擴展塢,而不僅僅是一個方便輸入文本的鍵盤。 從這個角度來看,也許是時候讓蘋果變得更大了。大型平板電腦(例如三星的18英寸Galaxy View)並未完全引起人們的關注,但這可以說是因為它們做得還不夠,只是尺寸更大,無法將它們與價格便宜,體積更小的Android平板電腦區分開來。 ... 小編的一部分感到奇怪,小編甚至在考慮更大的iPad Pro的價值。畢竟,按照小編的口味,Apple平板電腦的12.9英寸版本始終顯得太大了。看到同行旅客在機場休息室或飛機上從包里拿出一個,然後將其打開在其可笑地被截斷的鍵盤盒上,這只是強化了小編的觀點,即11英寸iPad Pro是明智的決定。 但是今天,這似乎不再那麼明確了。我認為這是因為隨著觸控板支持和螢幕光標的出現,iPad Pro不再完全屬於「平板電腦」類別。 ... 相反,我設想的是一些類似於Wacom多年來提供創意的產品。它的Cintiq系列「筆式顯示器」將藝術平板電腦與高解析度顯示器結合在一起,但長期以來一直僅限於相當小的受眾。價格中不小部分-16英寸Cintiq Pro售價為11800元-更不用說他們還要求PC或Mac才能實際驅動它們。 ... 相比之下,iPad Pro是獨立的。小編目前正在想像一個更大的iPad Pro,其停放方式可以直立推入以用作iMac替代品,或者將其水平拉近進行美術和視頻編輯,並列出小編要使用的軟體ps ai等確實需要將其變為現實。 ... 麻煩在於:不僅需要硬體,而且還需要軟體。如果更大的iPad Pro要取得成功-實際上,如果iPadOS和macOS之間的差距在不斷縮小,這將變得越來越小-蘋果需要解決一些明顯的應用遺漏。Final Cut Pro似乎是一個顯而易見的例子,尤其是在Adobe似乎全力以赴地將Photoshop for iPad提升到與傳統版本相同的情況下。 創意者們一直喜歡用平板電腦代替筆記本電腦的想法,他們只需要全套應用程式以及這些應用程式中的全部功能才能使其實用。 ... 具有諷刺意味的是,iPad Pro似乎由Apple量身定製,以專注於內容創作,因此與同價位的筆記本電腦相比,iPad Pro在視頻和照片編輯等方面的能力一直更高。擁有更大的螢幕,臺式機底座以及現在的鍵盤和滑鼠/觸控板支持,可以說它不再是該筆記本的「替代品」,而是顯而易見的首選。同時,蘋果公司正在探索如何實施全面轉換到ARM晶片的秘密,以及可能對應用程式無處不在的所有措施的制定,只會鼓勵開發人員採用新的外形尺寸。 不可思議?也許。但是隨後我們談到了iPad的觸控筆,而蘋果也放棄了Lightning。iPad Pro已經很重要了。也許是時候做更大的了。 喜歡本文的朋友別忘了轉發、點讚、評論和關注哦




  The 1911 Revolution ended dynastic rule in China and paved the way for the founding of Asia's first republic. Triggered by an accidental bomb explosion in Wuchang (modern-day Wuhan), the revolution marked the culminating point of decades of internal rebellion, foreign aggression and political decline; its leaders drew on a ferment of reformist and revolutionary ideas produced by some of China's greatest modern thinkers. Although 1911 did not resolve China's problems, it changed the country for ever, clearing a path for modernisation, and making possible the more decisive revolution of 1949.

  China in Revolution assembles a remarkable survey of historical photographs from leading collections around the world. The images stretch from the Second Opium War to the Boxer Rebellion and wars with Russia and Japan, the outbreak of revolution, through the rise and fall of Yuan Shikai and the ensuing warlord era.

  Accompanying an introductory essay by the editor Liu Heung Shing are essays from three scholars of revolutionary China — Joseph Esherick of UC San Diego, Zhang Haipeng of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, and Max K.W. Huang of the Academia Sinica — reflecting on the causes, achievements and failures of 1911, and its enduring meaning.


Liu Heung Shing

  Liu is a former foreign correspondent and photojournalist whose postings took him from Beijing to Los Angeles, New Delhi to Seoul, and to Moscow for the Associated Press. During that time he photographed major world events form the Soviet military occupation of Afghanistan to civil war in Sri Lanka and China’s burgeoning economic reforms.

  He was also on hand to capture the fall of the USSR: in 1992, Liu shared a Pulitzer Prize for Spot News and an Overseas Press Club Award for his coverage of the Soviet Union’s collapse. In 1989, Liu was honored with award of Picture of the Year by the School of Journalism at the University of Missouri. In the same year, Liu was named Best Photographer by the Associated Press Managing Editors.

  Liu is the author of the widely acclaimed photographic documentation China After Mao and Soviet Union: Collapse of an Empire. He is the editor of China, Portrait of a Country, which has been published in six languages. The book was selected by Britain's Sunday Times as the Best Picture Book 2008.

  In 2010, Liu co-authored with Karen Smith Shanghai, A History in Photographs 1842 to Today. In 2004, Paris Photo named Liu as one of the hundred most influential people in contemporary photography.

  Liu graduated from Hunter College. City University of New York in 1975. He lives and works in Beijing.


  • ISBN:9789888139507
  • 規格:精裝 / 416頁 / 16k / 19 x 26 x 5.82 cm / 普通級 / 單色印刷 / 初版
  • 出版地:香港
  • 本書分類:> > >












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